Let the insanity begin!
The Bay Area's Translink program is now two weeks overdue for its official rollout for San Francisco's Muni and Caltrain systems.
So what's the damn holdup?
In an article by Rachel Gordon of the SF Chronicle written in April of 2008, it states that the delay for Translink " has pushed back the estimated start date for the San Francisco Municipal Railway and Caltrain to July 15 and for BART to Sept. 25."
See article here.
Come on... I know the damn things say "testing in progress," and I think the whole thing is ready to go. The readers are mostly working, although unfortunately this one I found on the 29-Sunset (a.k.a. the worst bus line in San Francisco) is not working.
Just reprogram all the readers, remove the yellow stickers, give a flier to the bus drivers on how to operate and accept the cards, and GET THE BALL ROLLING!
Muni also installed these on the far left faregates at all metro stations as well. Caltrain is allegely installing card readers at all their ticket machines, but I haven't been on that system in years.
I've been waiting for this program for over four years since I was a pilot tester, and the delays after delays are really pissing me off. HELLO METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, TRANSLINK MANAGEMENT, SF MUNI MANAGEMENT, AND CALTRAIN MANAGEMENT, IT IS TIME TO GET THIS THING GOING!
OK management people, line up and bend over; it is time for your spanking for delaying the process! AND I HIT VERY HARD WITH A PADDLE WITH AIR HOLES.
Lastly, as for BART on "September 25th..." um... that's a total mystery if they will make it in just less than a month. So if they f-up, I'll be here blogging about it.
1 comment:
Am headignthere Sunday and was alerady worried about transit before reading abotu the Friday night mess, ugh. One thign i did notice something - on the Outside lands guide that was up on the Chronicle site (why it was not acutally on the Outside lands site I don't know). The directions for going by foot sent you to a particular entrance and suggested transit lines - none of which were the lines lisetd at the top of the page as having extra service. muni stations down town and busses were all over crowded on Friday night as the concert converged with rush hour. I don't know why they thought the system could handle both things.
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