Public transportation is going to hurt like hell in just a few days. So here's a summary of all the changes you will experience on July 1, 2009.
San Francisco Muni (see all info here):
- Adult cash fare increases to $2.
- Youth and discount cash fare increases to: $0.75.
- Adult monthly fast pass increases to $55.
- Youth, senior, and disabled fast pass increases to $15.
- Adult token ticket (10-ride) book increases to $20.
- Adult special event bus service (excludes AT&T Park) increases to $10.
- Youth and discount special event bus service increases to $7.
- Any passenger with a valid pass on special event bus services must pay a surcharge, that increases to $5.
- Route modifications, increases, decreases, and eliminations will happen in the coming months.
AC Transit
- Adult cash fare increases to $2.
- Youth and discount cash fare increases to $1.
- 10-ride tickets increases to $20 for adults and $10 for youth/discount.
- Adult local 31-day pass increases to $80.
- What won't change: Youth local 31-day pass stays at $15, and senior/discount monthly pass stays at $20.
- Adult Transbay fare increases to $4.
- Youth/discount Transbay fare increases to $2
- 31-day Transbay pass increases to $132.50.
- Translink will take-over all magnetic media for Transbay bus service in a couple of months.
- Changes in routes, including the 82/82L on July 3, 2009.
Golden Gate Transit & Ferry
There is a 5% fare increase for all services, except Marin Transit.
- For bus services: Depending on the zones you travel, cash fare will increase $0.15 to $0.45 cents, Translink fare will increase from $0.16 to $0.36 cents.
- Adult Larkspur and Sausalito ferry cash one-way service increases to $7.85.
- Adult Larkspur Translink fare increases to $4.90.
- Adult Sausalito Translink fare increases to $4.20.
- Youth and discount cash fare for Larkspur and Sausalito increases to $3.90.
- New route 101 (eff. June 15) and 92.
- Route 10 will not serve Geary Blvd. (eff. June 14th) and will go via Lombard St (92 to substitute with extremely limited service on Geary during rush hour).
- Route 26/27 will leave five minutes earlier (eff. June 15th).
- Route 4 and 93 will have an additional departure.
(All info here)
- 6.1% fare increase for everyone.
- Inter San Francisco fare increases to $1.75 (but cheaper than Muni).
- San Francisco International Airport surcharge increases to $4.
- Eight stations will start participating in $1 per day parking.
- Weekend service wait time to increase to 20 minutes (eff. September).
- Weekend and night service to Colma, San Bruno, South SF, Millbrae, and SFO be reduced to one train line (FAIL coming soon!).
What you can do to reduce the impact of fare hikes and route changes:
- Plan ahead! Check the agency's website for all route changes and remember to have your revised cash fare ready before you head out for public transit. Nobody likes waiting for you to pay your fare if you forgot the quarter.
- Use NextBus on your cell phone and bookmark it on your home and work computer. It means less time waiting for your bus and instead spending that few extra minutes doing something else. If your agency doesn't use NextBus, read the bus/ferry schedule carefully.
- If you ride AC Transit, Muni, and/or Golden Gate Transit/Ferry, get a Translink card. Faster payment means less hassle digging in your pocket for cash. Golden Gate gives a generous discount, even if you don't ride frequently.
- Ask your employer for Commuter Check or a similar program. People can save an average of 20% on public transit, van pooling, and parking.
- Since the previous BART strike, people like the AC Transit Transbay service and won't ever go back to BART. It's cheaper and you get a free local transfer.
- If all else fails, casual carpool your butt. Just remember the rules of being a "slug," you are getting a free ride, so don't tell the driver to change the radio or give suggestions, always ask permission to open windows, don't pay the driver any money, and always say 'thank you' to the driver when you exit.
If you recall in 2006 during the “Save Japantown” struggle, the Japantown Merchant’s Association rejected the proposal of a ‘Special Use District’ during a community meeting and angered many attendees, including myself when I went on a rant attacking the association for going against the overall mutual goal of trying to preserve our little community.
It makes me wonder now: how many J-Town leaders, community organizations, and community special interest groups are out there today encouraging endorsement of the Better Neighborhood Plan and working their dirty politics?
If the community members (and I want to clearly say MEMBERS, not leaders) believe in not endorsing the Plan, why in the heck does it seem that many leaders, orgs, and special interests want to support it? Is this 2006 AGAIN?