Yes, everyone knows by now that Muni will be do some major changes to their routes starting this Saturday, and everyone knows that the online trip planners are ready for these changes.
But let's get right to the point folks, Monday will be a world of hell, welcome to...
(or is it meltdown XXVIII?)
(or is it meltdown XXVIII?)
Since not everyone rides Muni on Saturdays and Sundays, Monday's commute will be the big stress test for the agency if it will go down in history for being worthy or a huge failure.
But... there's already big failures for the SFMTA with these upcoming changes:
- Not every bus stop has their yellow colored notice posted about their bus line or segment being cut. In particular, I noticed the 88-BART Shuttle stops on Lake Merced and John Muir Drive without any signage.
- There's word from SF Streetsblog that Muni will have a huge mid-year deficit in the millions.
- Muni didn't print enough of those pamphlets about all the route changes. Damn that is a thick pamphlet to carry around.
- Muni and 511 did not publish a new time schedule for all their buses starting 12/5/09. Instead, we are required to depend on the "trip planner" programs available.
- Don't forget, Muni is going to force you to cram another $5 to $15 on an adult fast pass in less than a month.
Remember folks, we are paying more for even worse service.
- Don't believe the city government saying these service changes are to improve their efficiency. That's a load of bullshit. Cutting a bus line simply means cramming all those passengers to another bus line that's already full of people.
- Gavin Newsom's dream is to have a "transit first" city; if you re-route or cut service to many lines and just increase frequency on just a few of them, PLUS increase fares and passes, AND massive deferred maintenance, how in the hell are we turning into a "transit first" city after December 5th?
Well said. Until people start realizing we're the owners, and not *&^%$! "customers" as Nate and the wrecking crew like to say, nothing will change.
I am truly dreading the changes, even the ones that theoretically would be helpful, like the alleged increase of frequency of the 44. Tomorrow I want to head over to Noe Valley and I know taking Muni will be a mega frakup. Sucks!
"Increased frequency" means: One extra bus, thereby cutting the 15 minute wait to 14 minutes.
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