Muni is on some kind of crazy campaign to remind people to pay their "fare share" or get a nice $75 fine. They plan to return to the classic "saturation raids" starting Thursday.
When I look at this Muni advertisement on the buses and on their website, I can't understand why the fare inspectors are citing a SEA LION!
A sea lion for crying out loud. Do they carry passes or transfers? No; nor do they ride the worst transit system in the nation. Plus, why a creature whose primary transit is on the water? Can't it be someone like SFMTA chief Nat Ford getting caught without payment?
What's next? Write a ticket to a pigeon for eating on the bus? Whoever created this ad should be fired for incompetence.
Photo from SFMTA website.
That ad is funny.
The sea lion is doing a trick.
"Write a ticket to a pigeon for eating on the bus?" HAHA! Akit, you made my day with that line. Seriously.
Lighten up, Akit! Fired? Really? That's harsh.
Clearly you're not understanding the "trick" reference. It's actually a pretty clever ad...
Just goes to show you that not everything translates across cultures, nationalities and languages easily.
I don't know, Akit, I think it's pretty funny!
only thing i noticed is that they appear to be showing a lot more respect to the seal than they ever do to paying passengers.
Seals, not likely. But racoons are known patrons of the 18 line:
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